CauseAChatter · MyFriendAlexa 2021 · Parenting

Knock Knock Let’s Talk – What To Say When You’re Expecting For Baby’s Mental Wellness By Dr. Ankita Marjadi

The connection between the mother and her foetus is very crucial. Interaction between them on a daily basis should be given utmost importance. But what if a mother struggles to talk to her unborn baby? What if she is not able to express her feelings in the right words? It sometimes does get overwhelming as it is an important part for the unborn child’s mental health. So I had a chat with Dr Ankita Marjadi, the author of the book “Knock Knock Let’s Talk”. A book that pours your heart and soul into words that you would say want to say to your baby.

CauseAChatter · Parenting

Importance Of Maternal Health & Wellness with Dr. Ankita Marjadi

A healthy child needs a healthy Mom. But is only being healthy enough or her being happy also important? Is physical health the only factor to be considered or mental health should be considered too? A mother plays a very important role in care taking of her newly born baby but it all starts not only after the baby is born but right at the start when it has started taking shape in her womb. That is why maternal health is extremely important. What effect does the pregnant woman have if she is mentally unhealthy? Does it affect the baby too?


25 Ways To Teach Little Hands How To Conserve Mother Nature – Nature Conservation Day

Conservation of nature is very crucial as scientists have been tirelessly warning us about the mass extinctions in the near future. We need to bring major changes in our lifestyles and adapt to sustainable living. Involving our kids is also very imperative as they are our future and the ones who will be responsible for a better tomorrow.


10 Art Therapies To Boost Mental Health In Kids

Stress, anger, sadness, and many similar emotions are part of a person’s life. Even a child faces these strong emotions. It's human tendency to vent out feelings. Yelling, screaming and crying are ways for those emotions to come out but they are not healthy ways for a child. So how can our little ones express these overpowering feelings?


Gender Blindness And The Need For Equity More Than Equality

Many of us talk about gender equality and we support it, raise our kids accordingly and how everyone should amplify this thought. But have you heard about gender blindness and how unknowingly even you can be one of those people with no knowledge about it? “Gender blindness” is the lack of awareness about how men and women are affected by a situation in a different manner due to the difference in their roles, needs, status and priorities and biologies in their societies.